Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Whatcom Locavore: Educate yourself about potential problems with GMOs | Food & Drink | The Bellingham Herald

Whatcom Locavore: Educate yourself about potential problems with GMOs | Food & Drink | The Bellingham Herald

Last week I mentioned a new documentary about effects already being seen from people who eat genetically modified organisms, "GMOs."

The 85-minute video, "Genetic Roulette: The Gamble of Our Lives," was created by leading GMO author Jeffrey M. Smith and the Institute for Responsible Technology. It presents the clearest explanation I've seen about what GMOs are and why we in the U.S. - especially our children - are becoming unwitting experimental subjects in this untested and minimally controlled technology.

It also explains some of the negative health effects some doctors and researchers believe they are seeing as a result of people eating GMOs.

To begin with, GMOs are "transgenic." They are not created by, say, combining DNA from one kind of corn to another kind of corn. Instead, they are created by splicing genes from one species to the genes of a different species.

That's usually done to try to enhance a characteristic of a species. An example: The movie cites attempts to combine spider genes with goat genes, with the goal of producing goat milk containing spider web proteins to make bulletproof vests.

Read more here:

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