Wednesday, August 28, 2013


Media | Volunteers for I-522:

Grassroots Volunteers Welcomes GMO Expert Howard Vlieger to Washington State in Support of Washington State Initiative 522 for Labeling of Genetically Engineered Food

Weekly Women's GMO Free News Google Hangout Interview with Howard Vlieger and Pamm Larry (August 28, 2013)

Howard Vlieger will be touring Washington State from September 4 beginning in Spokane and ending in Seattle in support of ballot initiate 522, which would require labeling of genetically modified food or GMOs. He will be speaking to a variety of groups regarding his expertise and research regarding genetically modified crops.

About Howard Vlieger

Howard Vlieger is a third generation family farmer who has been a “student of the soil,” studying why and how the soil works as it does, since 1989. Howard lives on the family farm where he was born and raised in northwest Iowa. He assists his son with some of the farming duties. Since 1992 Howard has been a crop nutrition advisor and has founded two companies to help family farmers reduce their dependency on chemical- based farming and transition to biological and or organic production.
Howard works and teaches as an independent crop nutrition adviser, helping crop and livestock farmers all Howard also works with scientists and researchers around the world to develop effective solutions, based on the latest science, for the real-life problems farmers are experiencing because of GMO crops and the chemicals used in growing them. Howard is a co-author and the primary coordinator of a first of its kind scientific study: the feeding of GMO grain and non-GMO grain to hogs for their lifetime as a meat animal. Howard is an internationally recognized speaker on the topic of GMOs. He believes people deserve to be educated and know what is in their food.

Howard serves on the board of directors of the Farm & Ranch Freedom Alliance FARFA) and the Council for Healthy Food Systems (CHFS). He is a strong conservative and for many years has been a delegate for his county to the Iowa State Republican Convention. His greatest accomplishments are being a Christian husband for 32 plus years to his wonderful wife Pam and father to three young adult children & a proud grandfather of one.

Howard Vlieger Washington September Speaking Tour Online Calendar

For more information on Howard Vlieger:

1. Interview with Howard Vlieger on GMOs - Farm And Ranch freedom Alliance (2011)

2. Yet Another Reason GMOs Suck - Nation Of Change (Oct 2012)

3. Food Sleuth Radio, Howard Vlieger Interview (28 minutes)

About Grassroots Volunteers for I-522

Volunteers for I-522 are a group of grassroots organizers & volunteers from around WA State dedicated to spreading awareness and information about GMOs, the importance of labeling and to provide opportunities to get involved.

About Yes on 522

Yes on 522 provides Washington shoppers with more information about what’s in the food they buy so that they can make the best decisions for their families. More than 350,000 signatures were collected to get I-522 on the November 2013 ballot—second highest number of signatures gathered for an Initiative to the Legislature in state history.

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