Thursday, September 26, 2013

Labeling genetically engineered foods in Washington | Northwest Voices | Seattle Times

Labeling genetically engineered foods in Washington | Northwest Voices | Seattle Times:

The right to know
This corn prop is one of many used in the campaign to help pass Initiative 522. [Alan Berner, The Seattle Times.]
This corn prop is one of many used in the campaign to help pass Initiative 522. [Alan Berner, The Seattle Times.]
The Seattle Times has recently published some articles about Initiative 522, the initiative on labeling food products that contain GMOs (genetically engineered organisms) on the upcoming ballot in Washington state. [“GMO labeling campaigns raising near-record money,” page one, Sept. 25.]
After reading all these articles, I have even more concerns about what is in the foods we eat. Of course I don’t want to spend more on food. Nor do I want costly expenses on businesses. Nor do I wish to be hoodwinked by large chemical corporations who seek to alter a vegetable such as a beet into a genetically engineered “supersugar” seed.
There have been increases over the last 60 years in documentation of cancers, brain disease, morbid obesity, diabetes, hypertension, and even mental-health issues throughout society. It seems plausible that our foods’ ingredients could hold some major keys to our poor health.
One has to ask why a few agrochemical companies would spend more than $11 million in our state to keep us from knowing more information about genetically engineered ingredients in our foods.
I have my own opinion as to why. But I must say, my “right to know” cannot be sold. We deserve to know what is in our food. More importantly, we have the right to.
Julia Sheriden, Seattle

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