Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Coloradans deserve to know about their food - Boulder Daily Camera

Coloradans deserve to know about their food - Boulder Daily Camera:

By Steven Hoffman 

While Paul Schlagel in his Aug. 3 commentary criticizes Colorado's Initiative 48 to label GMO foods, one can certainly understand why he would not want GMO-derived table sugar to be labeled, as he is a GMO sugar beet farmer. But it is misguided economics to think that Americans don't deserve truth in labeling when it comes to genetically engineered, or GMO foods. Survey after survey shows that more than 90 percent of Americans want GMO labeling. Also, in a show of overwhelming support, the Right To Know Colorado - GMO campaign turned in 167,950 signatures on Aug. 4, almost double the amount to qualify the GMO labeling bill for the statewide fall election ballot.

So why have biotech corporate interests that support organizations like FAIR - which was instrumental in getting GMO crops allowed on taxpayer owned, open space land in Boulder County - spent $100 million over the past three years to oppose GMO labeling measures in California, Washington, and elsewhere?

While not empirically proven, there is evidence that GMO foods are linked to a 400 percent increase in food allergies in children over the past 20 years since GMOs were first introduced into the commercial food market. Plus, GMO pesticide toxins are now showing up in the blood of pregnant mothers who eat GMO corn products - and in their unborn babies - something the biotech industry promised would never happen.

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