Friday, January 3, 2014

We are thrilled that GM is actually responding... - Moms Across America

We are thrilled that GM is actually responding... - Moms Across America:

We are thrilled that GM is actually responding to the GMO issue, THANK YOU! We need to all take a moment, breathe and acknowledge ourselves, Moms, for the work we have done to lead up to this! Especially Diana Reeves of GMO Free USA with her years of work on Kellogg's. I am SURE GM is trying to beat their competition in this area! Bravo!! Take a bow! Thank you to GMO Inside and GreenAmerica for the awesome Cheerios campaign!

And...we are also seriously concerned about the lack of accountability as well. Are they Non GMO Project verified? Why not? Why not Organic? What about glyphosate, which is sprayed on this "pure" cane sugar during harvest? Glyphosate has been linked to serious skyrocketing health issues in our children. We demand ORGANIC and NON GMO Project Verfified foods for our kids. General Mill's statement about their Cheerios being GMO "free" is simply misleading the American public that their product is safe, and we do not believe it.
It is time for major cereal brands to understand that we simply will not feed our children toxic food and we will share with everyone we know about GMOs and Glyphosate.

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