Friday, May 9, 2014

Contribute to OSFF for Yes on 17-58

Contribute to OSFF for Yes on 17-58:

Jack -- 

Right now, two counties in southern Oregon (Jackson and Josephine) are voting on local ballot initiatives that would ban the growing and cultivation of GMO crops in their counties.  They need you to help them stand up to the out-of-state chemical corporations and win ballot measures to protect the local family farmers in these counties.

There is less than 12 days left in the ballot measure fights in Jackson and Josephine Counties.  Both counties are being flooded, however, with almost $1 million in campaign cash from Monsanto, DuPont, Dow, Syngenta and other chemical giants who are rightly scared about the precedent that could be set in these fairly conservative southern Oregon counties. Both campaigns have strong bi-partisan support. For example, the Jackson County Grange recently announced its support for Measure 15-119 and the Grants Pass newspaper just endorsed a Yes Vote for Measure 17-58 (Josephine County)!

Family farmers have had enough of living in fear of having their crops contaminated by genetically engineered pollen and seed and have done an incredible job of fighting back against the out-of-state chemical corporations desperately trying to scare voters into opposing Measure 15-119 (Jackson County) and Measure 17-58 (Josephine County) but we really need to help them hold the line in these final days against the seemingly unending barrage of false advertisements from these deep pocketed chemical companies.

Please help support the campaigns with whatever financial support you can give! $25, $50, $100, whatever you can.  It doesn't take much money to get an advertisement on the air on the local tv/radio so your contributions can have a real impact.

If you'd like to see some of the great advertisements you would be supporting, check out this TV add for in support of Measure 15-119.  And watch others including a great video of a tractor parade in downtown Medford in support of the Measure

Please consider donating whatever you can. 

Support Jackson County farmers at:

Support Josephine County farmers at

Thank you everyone and good luck to Jackson and Josephine counties!

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