Friday, July 4, 2014

Opponents of the Washington GMO campaign said it would increase the price of food

GMO labeling closer to Oregon November ballot |

A source of concern among voters in Washington who turned down a similar initiative last year was cost labeling. Opponents of the Washington GMO campaign said it would increase the price of food.
Julia Degraw said there is no truth to those claims.
However, the Consumers Union, which is the policy and advocacy arm of Consumer Reports, “disagrees with that assertion” that food prices would go up. (Does this statement indicate that Consumer Reporter believes food prices will increase due to GMO labeling?)

Labeling foods that are genetically engineered will not cause food prices to skyrocket

Consumers Union supports Washington state’s labeling referendum, Initiative 522

Food-industry opponents of such labeling argue that the requirement will cause food prices to climb. Consumers Union, the policy and advocacy arm of Consumer Reports, disagrees with that assertion. (Line used in News Report) What’s more, we believe that genetically engineered foods should be identified as such, the same as foods that contain additives or are frozen, homogenized, from concentrate, or irradiated. The labels allow you to make informed choices about the foods you eat.

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